the total amount of arrangement fees charged throughout the lifetime of this deal
Returns TokenAmount
get arrangementFeesRepaid(): TokenAmount
the total amount of arrangement fees repaid throughout the lifetime of this deal
Returns TokenAmount
get borrower(): PublicKey
Get address of the borrower. This is not a BorrowerInfo account address but the actual recipient of the funds.
Returns PublicKey
get collectionTokenAccount(): null | PublicKey
Get the collection token account of the deal.
This is an optional account to support Smart Contract Owned Wallet (SCOW)
The funds from deal repayments are transferred from this account
Returns null | PublicKey
get createdAt(): number
Timestamp of deal creation.
Returns number
get goLiveAt(): null | number
The timestamp when the deal goes live in seconds.
This is the moment where funds are transferred to the borrower.
Returns null | number
get lastUpdateTimestamp(): null | number
Returns null | number
get maxfundingDuration(): number
A number indicating for how long funding is open (in days).
If the deal cannot be fully funded (all tranches) within goLiveAt + maxFundingDuration,
the deal will not go live and investors can then withdraw their funds by burning the tranche tokens.
Returns number
get migrated(): boolean
Indicates if an off-chain deal was migrated on-chain.
Returns boolean
get name(): string
Name of the deal.
Returns string
get number(): number
Number of the deal
Returns number
get offRampTokenAccount(): null | PublicKey
Get the off ramp token account of the deal.
This is an optional account to support Smart Contract Owned Wallet (SCOW)
The funds from deal are transferred to this account
Returns null | PublicKey
get openedAt(): null | number
Unix timestamp when the deal was opened for underwriters.
Deal in a market