Interface MarketConfig

Configuration of new markets


  • MarketConfig


baseMint: PublicKey

Base mint used for the pool and deals (e.g. USDC)

credixFeePercentage: Fraction
hasWithdrawEpochs?: boolean

If a market has withdraw epochs enabled or not

lpTokenName: string
lpTokenSymbol: string
managers?: PublicKey[]

Up to 10 public keys that can perform management actions

multisig?: PublicKey

This is the multisig that can invoke all the multisig instructions

name: string
passIssuers?: PublicKey[]

Up to 5 keys that can issue Credix / tranche passes

treasury: PublicKey

Base mint token account that will receive fees

withdrawEpochAvailableLiquidityPhase?: number

The number of seconds the available liquidity phase of withdraw epochs of this market

withdrawEpochRedeemSeconds?: number

The number of seconds of the redeem phase of withdraw epochs of this market

withdrawEpochRequestSeconds?: number

The number of seconds of the request phase of withdraw epochs for this market

withdrawalFee: Fraction

Treasury fee on liquidity pool withdrawal

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